How to have multiple addresses in a person class?


If a person has more than one address. Is the code below correct?

public class Pessoa implements Serializable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    private int codigo;
    private String descricao;
    private String dataNascimento;
    private String cpfcnpj;
    private PessoaEndereco pessoaEndereco;
asked by anonymous 06.08.2015 / 04:46

1 answer


No, this way you will only be able to have an address. There are several ways to allow more than one address, one of them, perhaps the simplest, is this:

public class Pessoa implements Serializable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    private int codigo;
    private String descricao;
    private String dataNascimento;
    private String cpfcnpj;
    private ArrayList<PessoaEndereco> Enderecos;

Obviously you should have methods of accessing the various addresses easily. The only change was to create a list of addresses where only one fit.

06.08.2015 / 04:48