I do not appear as a collaborator in a project that I am part of Git


I am doing a job for a course with my colleagues. I can do pull and commits, however, I do not appear as a contributor of the project, not showing my graph. My colleagues only see that I did commits. I appear as a repository , but I do not appear as a contributor. I can see everything my colleagues do. When the project started I accepted the invitation to be part of the project. What can be happening?

asked by anonymous 23.10.2018 / 03:10

2 answers


You really are part of the commits. Ask to perform the process of inserting collaborator again with your GitHub name. Confirm by e-mail, and double-check that you've been added as a contributor. It's basically a simple process and I do not see how that would go wrong.

Also check if your GitHub account is verified.

23.10.2018 / 03:51

GitHub identifies by email from the commit author. Run at your terminal:

git config --list

See if the output of this command has your email, and which one is configured. This must be the same email that is in your GitHub account. If it's not, you can add an email to your GitHub .

If unfortunately you did not find your email in the output of the command, you did the commits without a specific email. To correct this you will need to rebase --interactive change all commits by adding your email to the commit author, and then make a push --force-with-lease . I do not recommend you do this, as you have a good chance of going wrong, even more so by pushing hard.

27.11.2018 / 23:32