Let's take it as a range of values, 0 to 100 degrees Celsius.
100 degrees is the hottest, so it should appear red, RGB (255,0,0)
0 degree is the coldest, should appear blue, RGB (0,0,255)
So, we calculate a coefficient, which is the ratio of 100 to 255. Dividing gives 2.55, that is, when the temperature is at 100 (maximum), we multiply by 2.55 to get to 255, the maximum RGB value. We must now reverse the values, when one increases, the other decreases. For this we can add or subtract 255. I will directly calculate the value of Red and invert the value of Blue by subtracting 255.
To demonstrate, we will use a "range" type control and a bit of javascript
to change the color as the control value changes:
$('#temp').on("change", function(){
// como a faixa vai de 0 a 100, calcula o valor atual da cor:
var coeficiente = 255/100; //2.55, ou seja, 100C corresponde a 255
var temperatura = $(this).val();
como 0 grau é o mais frio e 100 graus o mais quente,
calcula o valor do red e o do blue no RGB
Quente R=255, B=0
Frio R=0, B=255
Para chegar nesses valores, multiplicaos o coeficiente pelo valor da cor
Como precisa inverter os valores (quando um for 0 o outro será 255),
basta subtrair por 255 ou somar por 255
Fiz o cálculo do azul subraindo 255, e como será negativo, multipliquei por -1
var red = (temperatura * coeficiente);
var blue = ((temperatura * coeficiente)-255)*-1;
var cor = "rgb(" + red + ",0," + blue + ")";
$('#temp-cor').css("background-color", cor);
#temp-cor {
width: 100px;
height: 20px;
border: solid 1px #000;
background-color: RGB(128,0,128);
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script><div><span>Temperatura:</span>0<inputid="temp" type="range" min="0" max="100" value="50">100
<div id="temp-cor"></div>
I made this example using only red and blue, but you can follow the same idea and calculate green and make the color spectrum livelier, but the idea is the same.