I'm trying to move a TextBox that was created via code, down. Here is the code where I create and add the button:
private DVJPetControles.TextBox txtHorarioCheckin;
this.txtHorarioCheckin.TituloLabel = "Horário de Check-in";
this.txtHorarioCheckin.TxtPrincipalMask = "00:00";
this.txtHorarioCheckin.TxtPrincipalTextAlign =
this.txtHorarioCheckin.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(189, 45);
this.txtHorarioCheckin.TabIndex =
chkPreAgendarApenasConcluido.TabIndex + 1;
this.txtHorarioCheckin.Tipo = DVJPetControles.textBoxTipo.Hora;
this.txtHorarioCheckin.Leave += new
Soon after I try to put it down:
this.txtHorarioCheckin.Top += 200;
I followed Debug and realized that even changing the top of it, it maintains a fixed value in the top.
I have tried the following also:
this.txtHorarioCheckin.Location = new Point(200, 200)