Using the getline () function in C with MinGW


I've created a code for a bookstore library using Linux / GNU, and it works fine there. However, I need the code compile in Windows using GCC, and I was wondering if there is a method to use this function or if there is a simple way to override it. Here are the snippets of code involved in the questioning:

FILE * arquivo;
Livro * acervo;
int indice = 0, i;    
int ultimo_regnum = 0;

char * linha = NULL;
size_t tamanho = 0;
ssize_t check;

while ((check = getline(&linha, &tamanho, arquivo)) != -1) {
    sscanf(linha, "%[^||]||%[^||]||%[^||]||%[^||]||%[^||]||%hd||%hd||%hd||%d||%f", titulo, editora, autor, genero, encadernacao, &ano, &edicao, &paginas, &regnum, &preco);
    //printf("%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%hd\n%hd\n%hd\n%d\n%f\n", titulo, editora, autor, genero, encadernacao, ano, edicao, paginas, regnum, preco);
    strcpy(acervo[indice].titulo, titulo);
    strcpy(acervo[indice].editora, editora);
    strcpy(acervo[indice].autor, autor);
    strcpy(acervo[indice].genero, genero);
    strcpy(acervo[indice].encadernacao, encadernacao);
    acervo[indice].ano = ano;
    acervo[indice].edicao = edicao;
    acervo[indice].paginas = paginas;
    acervo[indice].regnum = regnum;
    acervo[indice].preco = preco;
    ultimo_regnum = regnum;
    acervo = (Livro *)realloc(acervo, sizeof(Livro) * (indice + 1));
    if (acervo == NULL){
        printf("Erro ao alocar memoria.\n");



I tried to use a #define _GNU_SOURCE but it did not work

asked by anonymous 18.11.2018 / 01:28

1 answer


It has two possibilities, and in both the idea is to use one of several implementations of the getline function that already exists:

In the first scenario you only create the function if you have to compile in windows environment, testing with #ifdef for the _WIN32 macro:

#ifdef _WIN32

ssize_t getline(char **lineptr, size_t *n, FILE *stream) {
    //resto do código aqui


Alternatively you can simply create your own function with the getline code and give it another name. This will never collide with one that is already set:

ssize_t obterlinha(char **lineptr, size_t *n, FILE *stream) {
    //resto do código aqui
19.11.2018 / 00:04