I want to automatically create accounts in accounting when creating a customer / vendor. I can already create the accounts:
string[,] st = new string[6, 2];
st[1, 1] = Convert.ToString(CYear);
st[2, 1] = conta[i] + CodCli;
st[3, 1] = NomeCli;
st[4, 1] = "C";
st[5, 1] = CodCli;
bool tes = mBSO.Contabilidade.PlanoContas.CriaContasAutomaticas(st);
However, I only got the prefixes by the attributes of the ExercisesCBL table. When these prefixes come with, for example, "211S", the account is not created.
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++){
string atributo = "ContaCli0" + (i + 1);
conta[i] = Convert.ToString(mBSO.Contabilidade.ExerciciosCBL.DaValorAtributo(CYear, atributo));
But it's not what I want.
Is there any way around this?