Hello Dev's I've been trying to work out a way to send data from a table for the past three days by mail of php. Sending data from just one column is basically easy, but it gets tricky when I want to send data from more than one column.
This is because I need to make a while
to call all the data, but how do I send this data called in the email body of the mail
In the example below note that the fourth argument of the email function is just the variable that contains a set of other variables.
But when the email is submitted only the last element of the $html
variable is sent.
$buscando = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM guardapedidos WHERE id_cliente = '$idDoCliente'")
or die(mysql_error());
while ($linha = mysql_fetch_array( $buscando )) {
$nomeProdutoG = $linha['nomeProdutoG'];
$quantidadeG = $linha['quantidadeProdutoG'];
$precoProdutoG = $linha['precoProdutoG'];
$subTotalG = $linha['subTotalG'];
$totalG = $linha['totalG'];
echo $html = "
<b>Nome</b> $nomeProdutoG.<br>
<b>Quantidade</b> $quantidadeG.<br>
<b>Preço</b> $precoProdutoG.<br>
$envio = mail($destino, $assunto, $html, $headers);