I'm working on ubuntu 13.04 , and I just received a tablet from Android 4.2.2 directly from a manufacturer and I'm not getting it that ADB recognizes the tablet , and consequently I can not do debug .
I've tried:
- restart Android and PC;
- restart ADB (alias almost all ADB commands);
- Android has USB debugging turned on;
I have already tested, with different SDKs, on ubuntu , on Windows XP, Windows 7 and Windows 8 and nothing. In windows if it goes to the device manager it will appear with the exclamation point.
I saw here that I needed to set the undev
rules and followed these steps:
# lsusb
Bus 001 Device 011: ID 1f3a: 100b
# sudo gedit /etc/udev/rules.d/99-android.rules
SUBSYSTEM == "usb", ATTR {idVendor} == "1f3a", ATTR {idProduct} == "100b", MODE="0666", OWNER="my-login"
# sudo service udev restart
But it still does not recognize the device.
Source ubuntu-need-install-android-sdk
Can anyone imagine what it could be?