In Mozambique there is a unique tax identification number (nuit), and this number takes 9 digits. How would an application validate nuit under the following conditions?
If there are more (+) or less (-) than nine (9) digits, say "nuit invalid."
Should only accept numbers, if they are not numbers say "please enter only numbers"
I have the algorithm here:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
v = validarnuit(TextBox1.Text)
MsgBox v
End Sub
Function validarnuit(nuit)
Dim cd As Double
Dim valido As String
valido = "Nuit Invalido"
If Len(nuit) = 9 Then
If IsNumeric(nuit) Then
If nuit <> 0 Then
cd = Mid(nuit, 8, 1) * 2
cd = cd + Mid(nuit, 7, 1) * 3 + _
cd = cd + Mid(nuit, 6, 1) * 4 + _
cd = cd + Mid(nuit, 5, 1) * 5 + _
cd = cd + Mid(nuit, 4, 1) * 6 + _
cd = cd + Mid(nuit, 3, 1) * 7 + _
cd = cd + Mid(nuit, 2, 1) * 2 + _
cd = cd + Mid(nuit, 1, 1) * 3 + _
cd = 11 - (cd Mod 11)
If cd = 9 Then
valido = "good"
End If
End If
End If
End If
validarnuit = valido
End Function
If the cd
fore equals 11, it is false and not valid; if it is equal to 10 it also does not validate; only valid if cd
equals 9. Image if the division equals 2, this would be 11-2 = cd 9 and valid. I tried to use this code on top but it does not give 9.
Does anyone have an effective idea of how to do this?