Error entering data with accent

I'm sending the data by URL to my webservice if I put the path through the web browser example in Chrome: meuwebservice/inserirusu/João_da_Silva/fotógrafo and calling a method to display it so:

Nome: João da Silva
profi: Fotógrafo

Now when I call the following method it shows me this way:

Nome: Jo?o da Silva
profi: Fot?grafo

I've placed to display the path I'm going through on Android and it's the same one that I put for Chrome.

 private void inserir(final String edicao) {  edicao = "João_da_Silva/fotógrafo

    StringRequest strReq = new StringRequest(Request.Method.GET,
            Const.URL_EDITAR_TRABALHADOR+edicao, new Response.Listener<String>() {

        public void onResponse(String response) {
            Log.d(TAG, response.toString());

    }, new Response.ErrorListener() {

        public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) {
            VolleyLog.d(TAG, "Error: " + error.getMessage());


    // Adding request to request queue
    AppController.getInstance().addToRequestQueue(strReq, tag_string_req);


How can I resolve this?

I was making error to display in logcat and it showed me that this is the android


plus I displayed before sending and the path is correct in System

asked by anonymous 05.11.2014 / 13:13

1 answer


You need to encode the url correctly, when you type this into the address bar of the browser it already does this automatically and so it works.

You can use URLEncoder.encode for this, remembering that it should only encode the parts that may have accent or other special characters

String edicao = URLEncoder.encode("João da Silva", "UTF-8") + "/" + URLEncoder.encode("Fotógrafo", "UTF-8");

It should also solve the problem of spaces, which in a URL should be replaced by a + sign and not by underline.

06.11.2014 / 12:44