Check with IF and INNER JOIN


I have these queries in the database

    $consulta = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM mesas LIMIT 50");
    if (mysql_num_rows($consulta)==true) {
       while($lnmesas = mysql_fetch_array($consulta)){ 
       $consultainterna = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM mesas INNER JOIN pedidos");

I need to make a comparison of a record in the database where the mesas column of the pedidos table is equal to the id column of the mesas table. If the result is positive it gives a echo with a value, otherwise it gives a echo with another value.

I combed this way would work:

if($lnmesas['pedidos.mesas'] == $lnmesas['']){
    echo "success":
    echo "danger";

But unfortunately it did not work. Can someone explain to me the correct way to do this, I'm a beginner, I do not have much experience yet.

Here is the structure of my tables ...

asked by anonymous 02.11.2015 / 06:22

2 answers


Try using MYSQL's on, below an example:

SELECT * FROM mesas m LEFT JOIN pedidos p ON p.mesas =

Then just check with PHP


     $consulta = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM mesas m LEFT JOIN pedidos p ON p.mesas = LIMIT 50") or die (mysql_error());

     while($dados = mysql_fetch_assoc($consulta)) {
          if(!empty($dados[''])) {
              echo "success";
          } else {
              echo "danger";

Consider also studying the PDO's USE, MySQL_ * is already an obsolete function of php.

02.11.2015 / 06:36

Hello, you should post the schema of your database.

But come on. Assuming that in your database pedidos.mesas and are same type, then we would do:

          /*Condição, se não for NULL é porque há pedido*/
          NOT ISNULL(p.mesas),

          /*Se verdadeiro retornará 'success'*/

          /*Se falso retornará 'danger'*/
         ) as retorno_coluna,
  m.*, /*Também retorna as colunas da tabela mesas*/
  p.*  /*Também retorna as colunas da tabela pedidos*/
FROM mesas m
/*Left Join, visto que você quer recuperar
  a lista de mesas independente do pedido*/
LEFT JOIN pedidos p ON = p.mesas

Well the above query should work. But, if there are columns with the same names in both tables, you, instead of returning p.* and m.* , should return by name each column you'll need. See the result in phpMyAdmin:


<?php$consulta=mysql_query("SELECT IF(NOT ISNULL(p.mesas), 'success', 'danger') as retorno_coluna, m.*, p.* FROM mesas m LEFT JOIN pedidos p ON = p.mesas");
        if (mysql_num_rows($consulta)==true)
            while($lnmesas = mysql_fetch_array($consulta))
        <div class="col-sm-4 col-md-2">
          <div class="ls-box">
          <div class="ls-alert-<?php echo $lnmesas['retorno_coluna']; ?>">
            <h6 class="ls-title-1"><?php  echo $lnmesas['retorno_coluna']; ?></h6>
              <strong><?php echo $lnmesas['id']  ?></strong>
        <a href="index.php?mod=info-mesa&mesaid=<?php echo $lnmesas['id'] ?>">
          <button class="ls-btn-primary ls-ico-cog">Gerenciar Mesa</button><a>  
       <div class="ls-alert-warning"><strong>OPS! </strong> Não existe nenhuma mesa com pedidos, cheque se você realmente lançou seu pedido clicando na aba pedidos aqui do lado</div>
02.11.2015 / 14:20