Make a merge between multiple databases


I have a canteen system that performs sales in different schools. This system only works online, saving the sales movements in the array server (MS SQL). To optimize the system, I would like to work with it using a local base, so it would work even without a connection and it would be much faster.

The sales terminal has 2GB of memory, and a 40GB HDD SSD, installed Windows 7.

Now I needed help choosing an option. My first option was to install an instance of MS SQL Express and merge the tables, so I would have all the data of the school units, but in this option I wonder if the PC will handle SQL.

Another option was to install My SQL for being lighter and try to merge with MS SQL from headquarters.

Would anyone have any tips?

asked by anonymous 05.02.2016 / 12:50

1 answer


Your idea is interesting, but ideally the local base service will be read. Your system should be prepared to read locally and save in the array.

In this case you would advise a Transactional replication of the array to its local base. It's very simple.

18.02.2016 / 13:51