Problem with Git / Github - large files [duplicate]


I'm having a problem creating and uploading a git repository.

He tried to upload a file larger than 100.0MB and GIthub notified me the restriction. However, I went into the folder and deleted the file. I tried uploading again and it indicates the same error to me, even though there is no file there.

I tried searching the net about it and in various ways and attempts, I could not solve it. Can someone help me? =)

asked by anonymous 11.12.2015 / 14:00

1 answer


Friend really has some complications, follow a text from another answer to a question similar to yours:

Git has great difficulty with large files (> 50MB) and a large loss of resources with large repositories (> 10GB).

1) If you are running your own git, you will have to set up a maximum size for the files in the repository. In github, the maximum file size is 100MB. But with 50MB it already gives you a Warn.

2) Git was not meant to version binary files. It's better to use rsync and copy somewhere else.

3) It has a solution called git-annex to manage large files. Take a look at link

Source: Handling large files with GIT

11.12.2015 / 14:09