Arduino Semaphore with PWM



I created an Arduino code to represent the functioning of a semaphore, however I am also using the same code to (at the same time) send PWM signals to another device.

The code is working, but I could see that the trigger control of the semaphore colors is not flowing naturally as it should.

So I'd like to know what could be done to solve this problem.

NOTE: I have tried to change the value of the variables tempoVermelho and tempoVerde , but I still could not give fluidity to the semaphore.

// Definição dos pinos de saída para os LEDs do semáforo
#define VERMELHO 10
#define AMARELO 9
#define VERDE 8

// Definindo um valor máximo para a repetição de cada procedimento no Loop
#define MAX_LOOP 40000

// Variavel responsável por realizar a contagem dos procedimentos realizados no Loop
int interacao = 0;

// Variáveis de controle do tempo gasto em cada cor do semáforo
int tempoVermelho = MAX_LOOP * 0.4;
int tempoVerde =  MAX_LOOP * 0.8;

void setup() {

  // Definição dos pinos dos LEDs como saídas digitais
  pinMode(VERDE, OUTPUT);

  // Inicialização da comunicação serial

  // Chamando a função que altera o PWM

void loop() {

  analogWrite(3, 34);
  analogWrite(11, map(analogRead(A1), 0, 1023, 0, 255));

  // Laço responsável por deixar o sinal fechado enquanto "interacao" for menor que a metade de "MAX_LOOP"
  if(interacao >= 0 && interacao < (tempoVermelho)){
  // Laço responsável por deixar o sinal aberto enquanto "interacao" for menor que 75% de "MAX_LOOP"
  else if(interacao >= (tempoVermelho) && interacao < (tempoVerde)){

  // Laço responsável por deixar o sinal fechado enquanto "interacao" for menor que "MAX_LOOP"
  else if(interacao >= (tempoVerde) && interacao < MAX_LOOP){

  // Incrementando o valor da variável "interacao"

  // Condição responsável por zera a variável "interacao" quando a mesma atinge o valor da variável "MAX_LOOP"
  if(interacao == MAX_LOOP){
    interacao = 0;

// Método chamado no Setup para definir o PWM para 31khz de frequência
void pwmSetup() {
  pinMode(3 , OUTPUT); //OCR2B 3 e 11 são pinos de PWM do Arduino
  pinMode(11, OUTPUT); //OCR2A
  // Alterando os registradores para que a frequencia do PWM seja de 31250hz
  TCCR2A = _BV(COM2A1) | _BV(COM2B1) | _BV(WGM20);
  TCCR2B = _BV(CS20);
  OCR2A = 0;
  OCR2B = 0;

// Métodos auxiliares para o controle de acionamento dos LEDs do semáforo
void semaforoFecahdo(){
  digitalWrite(VERMELHO, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(AMARELO, LOW);  
  digitalWrite(VERDE, LOW);

void semaforoAberto(){
  digitalWrite(VERMELHO, LOW);
  digitalWrite(AMARELO, LOW);  
  digitalWrite(VERDE, HIGH);

void semaforoAtencao(){
  digitalWrite(VERMELHO, LOW);
  digitalWrite(AMARELO, HIGH);  
  digitalWrite(VERDE, LOW);  

asked by anonymous 16.03.2016 / 01:38

2 answers


As far as I understand, the problem is that you are counting calls from the loop function. They are not in equal intervals because the arduino does a lot of extra things that can delay execution, and with that it gives the impression that it is not "flowing". You need to use functions where you get the milliseconds / seconds / etc and use them as a reference in your logic.

On the official website there is a example , but there is a simpler here .

16.03.2016 / 12:56

Dude I do not know if it's interesting to you, but there's a Thread concept where you can run "several things at the same time", actually you run threads in time slots giving the impression of happening together ! So for example it executes a thread to control the semaphore and sends the PWM after each color change .. or a time interval! I hope I have been clear!

Follow a video of a very good guy on the subject Ivan Seidel (he created a library for it)

Part 1 link

Part 2 link

In the video description has his GitHub with the library file and example!

I hope I have helped! A hug!

15.09.2016 / 02:34