Injection error of module dependencies in angular


I have the module for my application:

angular.module('app', ['app.controllers','app.routes','']);

I have my services module:'', [])
    .factory('usuarioService', ['$rootScope', 'renderService',
        function($rootScope, renderService){
            // logica do factory

angular.module('', [])
    .factory('renderService', ['$http',
            // logica do factory

I have my controller:

angular.module('app.controllers', [''])
            function($scope, $rootScope, usuarioService, renderService){
               // logica do controller

But when I run the application, I get dependency injection error:

Unknown provider: usuarioServiceProvider <- usuarioService <- meuCtrl

I do not understand what may be happening, since I do the injection in every appropriate place.

Unless I'm making these wrong injections.

PS: All .JS files are being loaded in index.html, none have been forgotten.

asked by anonymous 26.04.2016 / 21:38

2 answers


You are setting the module twice.

When you pass the array of dependencies, angular creates a new module.

Without the array, it takes an existing module. Try removing [] in the second setting.

.factory('renderService', ['$http',
        // logica do factory
26.04.2016 / 22:52

In the way that you have declared the services, the second is overwriting the first, because when using the dependency injector "[]" inside the module, the angle creates a new module.

I suggest you try it that way.


var appServices = angular.module('');

appServices.factory('usuarioService', ['$rootScope', 'renderService',
        function($rootScope, renderService){
            // logica do factory

appServices.factory('renderService', ['$http', function($http){
            // logica do factory
27.04.2016 / 14:36