Note: Regular expression is not validating the date format, if
want the regex to validate the format: dd / mm / dddd
for dd / mm / yyyy
But if you just want to get it, it's okay
To capture elements within a regular expression, use groups.
Reference link
With them it is possible in the regular expression return to store the value in a language variable.
To define groups, use the format:
So for your regex to pick up only the years 2016 and still capturing the month to be handled by the language first creates the regex.
Then add the group you want to capture ..
Then use the language:
>>> import re
>>> padrao = re.compile("\d{2}\/(?P<mes>\d{2})\/2016")
>>> string_procurada = "Data de hoje: 25/09/2016"
>>> resultado = re.findall(padrao,string)
>>> resultado
Then just do the necessary treatments: cast to int, add to a list ..