How to calculate the age of a person with JS, from the date of birth?


How can I calculate the age of a person in Javascript from the date of birth?

I tried something like:

function idade(dia, mes, ano) {
   return new Date().getFullYear() - ano;

idade(11, 12, 1980); //  33
idade(15, 2, 2011);  // 2
idade(5, 31, 1993);  // 20
asked by anonymous 11.02.2014 / 07:11

5 answers


- Pedro : Hi, Maria. How old are you?

- Maria : Pedro, I was born on February 28, 1990.

- Pedro : So, I already know how old you are!

- Maria : What is it?

- Pedro : Just pick up the current year and subtract for the year you were born. Soon, 2014 - 1990 = 24. You are 24 years old.

- Maria : No, actually I'm 23 years old. I do 24 February 28th.

- Maria : To calculate age, you subtract the current year by the year of birth. But if you have not yet passed the anniversary date, you subtract 1.

- Peter : Ah, yeah. I forgot that!

function idade(ano_aniversario, mes_aniversario, dia_aniversario) {
    var d = new Date,
        ano_atual = d.getFullYear(),
        mes_atual = d.getMonth() + 1,
        dia_atual = d.getDate(),

        ano_aniversario = +ano_aniversario,
        mes_aniversario = +mes_aniversario,
        dia_aniversario = +dia_aniversario,

        quantos_anos = ano_atual - ano_aniversario;

    if (mes_atual < mes_aniversario || mes_atual == mes_aniversario && dia_atual < dia_aniversario) {

    return quantos_anos < 0 ? 0 : quantos_anos;

console.log(idade(1980, 12, 11)); //  33

console.log(idade(2011, 2, 15));  // 2

console.log(idade(1993, 31, 5));  // 20
11.02.2014 / 07:24

I suggest comparing the month and day of the month: if today's date is greater than or equal to birth (i.e. birthday is over), then just make the difference between years. Otherwise, make a difference and subtract 1 :

function idade(nascimento, hoje) {
    var diferencaAnos = hoje.getFullYear() - nascimento.getFullYear();
    if ( new Date(hoje.getFullYear(), hoje.getMonth(), hoje.getDate()) < 
         new Date(hoje.getFullYear(), nascimento.getMonth(), nascimento.getDate()) )
    return diferencaAnos;

Example in jsFiddle .

11.02.2014 / 07:28

A one-line solution, calculating from the number of days:

// calcula a idade considerando os parâmetros 
// 'nascimento' e 'hoje' como objetos Date
function calculaIdade(nascimento, hoje){
    return Math.floor(Math.ceil(Math.abs(nascimento.getTime() - hoje.getTime()) / (1000 * 3600 * 24)) / 365.25);

The logic used is as follows:

  • Math.abs(nascimento.getTime() - hoje.getTime()) - returns the amount of milliseconds passed from nascimento to hoje . The Math.abs function returns the subtraction module, that is, it turns a negative number into a positive one and keeps the signal a positive one.
  • / (1000 * 3600 * 24) - calculates the number of days from the amount of milliseconds returned in the previous expression. Dividing by 1000, we have the amount of seconds; the number of seconds divided by 3600 we have the amount of hours (because in 1 hour 3600 seconds fit); and finally divide the amount of hours by 24, which will have the corresponding amount of days.
  • Math.ceil - rounds up the decimal value of the previous operation, since it is considered that a day has passed even though the number of hours does not give 24 hours. Like for example a baby born last night, we consider that today morning has already 1 day of life.
  • / 365.25 - finally, we calculate the year by dividing the total days by the total of days that fit in a year. The number 365.25 is because a year has approximately 365 days and 6 hours, which equals 365.25 days. The bixesto year comes from this difference, because every 4 years, the 6 hours disregarded in the calendar become 24 hours, that is another day.
  • Math.floor - rounds down the amount of years. Well, it does not matter if the person celebrates his birthday tomorrow and he's 25,999 years old, he's 25 years old.
11.02.2014 / 13:17

How about calculating in a much more minimalist way? The calculation with ms is highly superior considering the performance. Ex: I was born on 12/17/1995. Then:

function calcAge(dateString) {
  var birthday = +new Date(dateString);
  return ~~(( - birthday) / (31557600000));

console.log(calcAge("Thu Dec 17 1995 00:51:54 GMT-0300 (BRT)"));
If code is run before 12/17/2015. I will still be 19 years old: P

The technique used can be found in: link And I thank Caio Ribeiro for showing me

05.11.2015 / 04:58

Hello, I've adapted the @Gabriel S. code to accept date in the Brazilian standard.

function calcIdade(data) {
    var d = new Date,
        ano_atual = d.getFullYear(),
        mes_atual = d.getMonth() + 1,
        dia_atual = d.getDate(),
        split = data.split('/'),
        novadata = split[1] + "/" +split[0]+"/"+split[2],
        data_americana = new Date(novadata),
        vAno = data_americana.getFullYear(),
        vMes = data_americana.getMonth() + 1,
        vDia = data_americana.getDate(),
        ano_aniversario = +vAno,
        mes_aniversario = +vMes,
        dia_aniversario = +vDia,
        quantos_anos = ano_atual - ano_aniversario;
    if (mes_atual < mes_aniversario || mes_atual == mes_aniversario && dia_atual < dia_aniversario) {
    return quantos_anos < 0 ? 0 : quantos_anos;
// calcIdade('02/01/1978') => 39
// calcIdade('03/09/1980') => 36
13.05.2017 / 02:05