I need to filter a table, which is in a partial view, depending on the parameter entered in a field, which is passed to the controller via ajax. How do I reload the table with the filter applied?
Part of the index where this my partial
<div class="row" id="partial">
@{Html.RenderPartial("Partial_table", Model);}
Partial view, where the table is loaded
@model IEnumerable<OAP.Web.MVC.Corp.Models.CorpCRM>
<div style="overflow: auto; height: 700px">
<table id="tbEstatica" class="myTable">
<tr class="myTable">
<th class="myTable">Data</th>
<th class="myTable">Matricula</th>
<th class="myTable">Produto</th>
<th class="myTable">Contrato</th>
<th class="myTable">Penumber</th>
<th class="myTable">Nome Cliente</th>
<th class="myTable">Valor</th>
<th class="myTable">Agencia / Conta</th>
foreach (var item in Model)
<tr style="height: 50px" class="myTable">
<td class="myTable">@item.Dt_Contab</td>
<td class="myTable">@item.Matricula</td>
<td class="myTable">@item.Produto</td>
<td class="myTable">@item.Contrato</td>
<td class="myTable">@item.Penumber</td>
<td class="myTable">@item.Nome_Cliente</td>
<td class="myTable">@item.Valor</td>
<td class="myTable">@item.Agencia_Conta</td>
Ajax that passes the field parameter;
function Buscar() {
url: '@Url.Content("~/Home/RetornaCorp")',
type: 'POST',
produto: $("#Produto").val()
succes: function (data) {
Controller that receives the Ajax parameter
public ActionResult RetornaCorp(int Produto)
CorpDAO dao = new CorpDAO();
listaCRM = dao.ListarCorp(Produto);
return PartialView("Partial_table", listaCRM);