How to generate shortcode of search result of a PHP system in a PHP page? [closed]


I have a PHP system that does some registration and data listing. To explain what I'd like to implement, I'll simulate some of the codes below:

$conexao = mysqli_connect(localhost, root, 123456, bancoteste);
$sql = mysqli_query($conexao, "select * from tabela");
$tr1 = mysqli_num_rows($sql);

for ($i=0;$i++;$i<$tr1)
  echo "Codigo aqui para exibição dos dados 

In this case, I would like to make this data available on a PHP page from another site, so it would not be necessary to make my database access data available. Or in other words, is it possible to generate a shortcode of my search result to export to an external PHP page?

Shortcode example I thought:


By including this shortcode in a php page, it would load the data automatically.

asked by anonymous 11.01.2017 / 17:25

2 answers


If all are in the same sites or mysql is accessible between sites

You can simply create a function like this:



function exibirDados(query)
    //Evita conectar multiplas vezes
    static $conexao;

    //Cache da resposta
    static $cache;

    if (isset($cache[$query])) {
        echo $cache[$query];

    if (!$conexao) {
        $conexao = mysqli_connect("", "my_user", "my_password", "my_db");

    if (!$conexao) {
        echo "Erro ao se conectar com o MySQL:" . PHP_EOL;
        echo "numero: " . mysqli_connect_errno() . PHP_EOL;
        echo "erro: " . mysqli_connect_error() . PHP_EOL;

    $sql = mysqli_query($conexao, query);
    $tr1 = mysqli_num_rows($sql);
    $resultado .= '';

    for ($i=0;$i++;$i<$tr1)
      $resultado .= '..... formate aqui';

    $cache[$query] = $resultado;

    echo $resultado;

And then in your file you can do something like this:

require_once 'global.php';

bla bla bla bla <?php exibirDados('SELECT * ....'); ?>
bla bla bla bla <?php exibirDados('SELECT * ....'); ?>
bla bla bla bla <?php exibirDados('SELECT * ....'); ?>
bla bla bla bla <?php exibirDados('SELECT * ....'); ?>

If they are different websites

Note that when doing this you will have to do more "downloads", which can increase page consumption, not the code itself, but the idea.

Whatever you want, you can use preg_replace_callback with curl e in the domain that has the data, make a page like:

  • resultado.php

    if (empty($_GET['pagina'])) {
        return '[pagina não definida]';
    $pagina = intval($_GET['pagina']);
    if ($pagina < 1) {
        return '[pagina invalida]';
    $conexao = mysqli_connect(localhost, root, 123456, bancoteste);
    $result = mysqli_query($conexao, "select id, coluna1, coluna2 from tabela LIMIT ..., ...");
    while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
        echo ...;

Then in the domain that will receive the data you can create something like:

  • global.php:

    function downloadData($url)
        static $dados;
        //Cache de dados, para evitar multiplos downloads repetidos
        if ($dados[$url]) {
            return $dados[$url];
        $ch = curl_init();
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
        $resposta = curl_exec($ch);
        if (!$resposta) {
            $dados[$url] = '[dados inacessives]';
        } else {
            $dados[$url] = $resposta;
        $ch = null;
        return $resposta;
    function buscaDados($entrada)
        $replace = function($match) {
            return downloadData($match[1]);
        return preg_replace_callback('#\[(http:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9\/%\-_]+?)\]#', $replace, $entrada);

Then include the global.php in the pages that will use, should be something like:


require_once 'global.php';

echo buscaDados('bla bla bla [http://site1/15/resultado.php] bla bla bla [http://site2/14/busca.php]');

Of course preferable is you might use a format like JSON to handle the data well and maybe use an authentication method, but that's another story.

Important: On the sites that will include you should return only the important parts and preferably you have control over all included website, if not have to use link will only retain the required part.


Note : Perhaps not the best approaches, I recommend thinking about maybe an API or something in an existing project organization structure, such as MVC, if you know how to use it, use it without understanding that the reason is to organize, or use anyway, will also be a problem.


Sometimes reinventing the wheel is cool, but as long as well designed and with a good test time to make sure it will be useful to put into production.

13.01.2017 / 15:40

You need to create a API on your system PHP and a plugin for Wordpress so that it consumes the data of your API .

13.01.2017 / 14:39