Is it a bad practice to create a CSS file for each screen? [closed]


I find it more practical and easier to maintain if I create a CSS file per screen. Is this a bad practice? Can the same be done with JS files?

asked by anonymous 09.05.2017 / 19:22

1 answer


Look. I am also of the opinion of doing what you think is best for you, but if you want a light on what is considered "best", there are those who will talk about what is most cost-effective for your page.

In this link , it analyzes quantities for sending and receiving data and concludes that it is best to attach external files only if they are more than ½KB, otherwise it is best if you put everything together or write inline.

But finally, he says that the weight for the page is not that significant. The best thing to do in this sense , is what is most comfortable for you. As they said, good and bad practices are relative.

But now, in my opinion, if you're going to split your sheets by screens, I still think you should have at least one main sheet for basic classes that you will repeat on all your screens.

09.05.2017 / 21:12