ASP Classico: How to replace the character "SLOPE" with "TRACE"?


I have a problem - when using a component for PDF - I ended up having an "Out of Range" error when generating the PDF document.

I found the problem with the error line and found that the error was because the user registered a "SLOT" in the searched field.

When you change the "TRANSFER" to "TRACE" - everything is back to normal.

Obviously the error in the component occurs because it does not identify the "TRANSFER" as a "Table" character - already it is not part of the default keyboard.

In thousands of entries it was the first time I had this problem - but as is common for customers to use the dash to separate the information from the field, (and I believe the problem occurred because the ORTOGRAFY BROKER automatically changed the dash by the dash) - wanted a solution to the problem.

This solution is simple ..

just check the data sent in the register and change the TRANSFER by TRACE using the "REPLACE" command


My question is - how do I report the "TRANSFER" in the code - since it does not exist on the keyboard.


asked by anonymous 22.06.2017 / 02:02

1 answer


Windows traversal AltGr + Num- or Alt + CTRL + Num- or Alt + 0151

NOTE: Num- is the "minus" key on the numeric keypad as well as 0151 as well. On my keyboard it worked Alt + 0151 looks at it there - it's bigger than the Half-scratch - or - (tracino).

In Mac OS X Alt + hífen

REPLACE(texto, "—", "-")

I have already used many replaces in asp like this: REPLACE(texto, chr(151), "-") Trace can be chr (150) or chr (45)

           glifo    Unicode          HTML    TeX         Windows    Mac OS
hífen        -      U+2012 (8210)   nenhum    -        Alt + 0045   
meia-risca   –      U+2013 (8211)   –   --       Alt + 0150   Option + -
travessão    —      U+2014 (8212)   —   ---      Alt + 0151   Shift + Option + -

Some keyboards do not have a number keypad, how to do it?


Copy the Crossword - and paste it into your code !!


22.06.2017 / 04:26