PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function phperror_reporting ()



On a given project page you are giving the error:


PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function phperror_reporting ()

But the code looks like this:


Why is this error occurring if in the ATOM editor error_reporting (0) appears below the PHP tag?

asked by anonymous 24.06.2017 / 14:55

1 answer


Apparently PHP is not recognizing the line break and is merging




I recommend that you delete the line break and try to add it again, also make sure Opcache or XCache is not enabled on your machine: link , this means that you may have corrected the problem, but the cache prevents you from seeing, if the cache is on the production server then do not wait for a while that it will renew itself soon, the cache is very important for site performance.

24.06.2017 / 15:03