login with cpf or email in php


I'm having a problem when making a login system that the user must be able to authenticate through their e-mail or cpf.

I am doing the comparison with the value of the login field received, if it is number I do search with cpf and if not I do with email. See below:

 if (is_numeric($_POST['email_cpf'])) {
     //pesquisa com cpf
     //pesquisa com e-mail

This works, the problem is that when the user enters the cpf login field in the format with 000.000.000-00 separators, this is given as a string and therefore searches the email.

I made a function to remove the tabs, but this is bad because if the email for example has traces or dots, they will also be removed

How do I resolve this?

asked by anonymous 23.09.2017 / 15:07

2 answers


Before you verify that the user typed only numbers, remove the periods and dashes using the str_replace as follows:

$login = $_POST['email_cpf'];
$login = str_replace('.', '', $login);
$login = str_replace('-', '', $login);

At this point you will already have what the user typed without points or dashes in the $login variable. If the variable contains only numbers you check by the CPF, otherwise, you get what the user initially typed and checks the email:

if (is_numeric($login)) {
    //pesquisa com cpf
    $login = $_POST['email_cpf'];
    //pesquisa com e-mail

You can also do this in a simpler way:

if (is_numeric(str_replace(array('.', '-'), $_POST['email_cpf']))) {
    //pesquisa com cpf
    //pesquisa com e-mail
23.09.2017 / 15:16

With regular expression, you can do something like:

if (preg_match("/^\d{3}\.?\d{3}\.?\d{3}-?\d{2}$/", $valor)) {
    // É CPF
} else {
    // É e-mail

So, the separator characters will be optional, you can either enter the CPF with only numbers or with the tabs, as long as it has the 11 digits.

With the characters ^ and $ , the beginning and end of the expression are defined, ensuring that there is nothing more than the CPF in value. \d{x} creates groups of x digits.


See working at Ideone .

23.09.2017 / 15:35