I have the following problem, I have the following function:
public function codigo_denuncia() {
$db = new mysql();
//pegar as linhas do ano
$ultimoRegisto = $db->executar("SELECT id FROM denuncia WHERE ano=year(now()) ");
//verifica se tem registro no ano
//se igual ao ano atual, incrementa, se não começa novamente com valor 1
if($ultimoRegisto->num_rows > 0){
return $ultimoRegisto->num_rows +1 . '-' . date('Y');
return 1 . '-' . date('Y');
At first it worked OK, always incrementing correctly, the problem occurs if you need to delete a random record from this table, it would generate the next number with duplicate record, for example I have 40 records and I insert one more, the next code would be 41-2017, then delete one record from the table and enter another again, it would generate the same code 41-2017. Any viable alternative to this function? It was done with PHP and mysql and the call is as follows:
$codigo = $this->codigo_denuncia();
$arraycodigo = explode("-", $codigo);
$numero_denuncia = $arraycodigo[0].'/'.$arraycodigo[1];