How to add methods to a native class?


How to add functions in a native C # class, in my case, I tried to do in System.Math just as test:

public class Math
    public static double test(double a)
        return a;

And call it like this:


But I did not get the expected result. How could I add the method in this class?

asked by anonymous 20.06.2017 / 00:27

2 answers


This is not possible today, and there is little advantage to doing this. Create a new and good class.

public class MathExt {
    public static double test(double a) => a;


In addition,     

20.06.2017 / 00:50

I believe that what you are looking for is called Extension Methods .

See more at: extension !

Using this concept, you can create extensions for all classes and structures, as long as they are not static.

The Math class is static and can not be extended:





classProgram{publicstaticvoidMain(){doubledez=10;Console.WriteLine("Dobro(10) => {0}", dez.Dobro());
        Console.WriteLine("Metade(10) => {0}", dez.Metade());             

public static class DoubleEx
    public static double Dobro(this double a)
        return a * 2;

    public static double Metade(this double a)
        return a / 2;

With the following output: Double (10) = > 20 Half (10) = > 5

20.06.2017 / 01:46