PHP + JSON Webservice - Reading array


I would like to interpret a JSON with PHP , where:


$retorno = json_decode($jsonRet);

$nome1 = $retorno->data->nome1;
$status = $retorno->data->status;

echo "nome1: ".$nome1." / ".$status;die;

The nome1 , I can read this normally, but the status that is enclosed in brackets does not work, returns with nothing ...

How would it be to read correctly?

asked by anonymous 04.12.2017 / 19:06

1 answer


The key status is array , to access it you must enter the index you want to get. In your case, as there is only one index, it is accessible by:

$status = $retorno->data->status[0];
04.12.2017 / 19:13