Edit value inside a node in XML with C #


I have a login system in C # and a following XML file:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

After the user logs in, I create an object and save all the data within the attributes of this object, my question is: I have a page where the user can change the password, how can I make this change within the XML file in the user-specific node logged in? Assuming I already have the User_ID saved in the object ... Thanks

asked by anonymous 22.11.2017 / 23:14

1 answer


One way to change a particular node in an XML document is by using XPath to create a query and select the node you want to change.

In this case, I've stored the node in a XmlNode that serves to represent a single node that has been mapped to an XML, the node was returned by SelectSingleNode() method, see:

XmlNode noPassword = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("/Usuarios/Usuario[User_ID=" + "001" + "]/Password");

and I checked to see if it is not null before applying the change to the specific node:

if (noPassword != null)
    noPassword.InnerText = "minha_nova_senha";              

You can save changes to the file using the Salve method of the XmlDocument class see:


See working at .NET Fiddle .

Further reading about XML .

23.11.2017 / 03:21