Error doing push origin master on github


I'm having the following error in github when I'm going to push.


Please make sure you have the correct access rights   and the repository exists.

I created the repository and as I was already with the project I created, I did:

git remote add [email protected]:andredsn/ArquiteturaSoftware.git
git config --global "andredsn"
git config --global "[email protected]"  
git add .  
git commit -m "primeiro commit"
git push origin master  

On this last line you give the error. You probably are not finding the repository.

As the line:

git remote add [email protected]:andredsn/ArquiteturaSoftware.git >

add the remote via ssh, then I deleted it with:

git remote rm origim master  

I typed: gite remote -v and it does not have any repository, so I guess I removed it. But the error appears when I add the remote via https:

git remote add  

give the error:

 C:\projetos\ArquiteturaSoftware>git remote add
usage: git remote add [<options>] <name> <url>

    -f, --fetch           fetch the remote branches
    --tags                import all tags and associated objects when fetching
                          or do not fetch any tag at all (--no-tags)
    -t, --track <branch>  branch(es) to track
    -m, --master <branch>
                          master branch
                          set up remote as a mirror to push to or fetch from 

I wanted a command to show if I'm connected to github since we use git config --global and git config --global for our id.

asked by anonymous 18.03.2017 / 02:55

2 answers


You used the SSH URL ( [email protected]... ) to add the remote, so it looks for your key.

The HTTPS URL has this format:

Then do:

$ git remote add

and it will start requesting username and password.

(do not forget to remove the SSH remote first)

18.03.2017 / 18:24

If you want to do this using HTTPS, follow the steps below:

  • $ git init : Do this already within the desired directory

  • $ git remote add -f origin

  • $ git add .

  • $ git commit -m "First commit - send project"

  • $ git push origin master

  • See Working With Remotes for more details

    EDIT: The error that is appearing there after editing your question is that you are not following the GIT syntax correctly. Here's how it should be:

    $ git remote add [<opões>] <nome> <url>

    In your case it would be step 2 as I mentioned above. See:

    $ git remote add -f origin

    18.03.2017 / 19:20