Notification in Vue


I have an application in vue js, which registers a task, I would like to be notified 5 minutes before the task happens, I have the following code.

    function getData(){
    let data = new Date();
    let dia = data.getDate();
      if (dia.toString().length == 1){
      dia = "0"+dia;
    let mes = data.getMonth() + 1; 
      if (mes.toString().length == 1){
        mes = "0"+mes;
    let ano = data.getFullYear();

    let dataFull = dia + '/' + mes + '/' + ano;

    let hora = data.getHours();
      if (hora.toString().length == 1){
        hora = "0"+hora;
    let minuto = data.getMinutes();
      if (minuto.toString().length == 1){
        minuto = "0"+minuto;
    let horaFull = hora + ':' + minuto;
    let horaAlarm =  hora + ':' + (minuto - 5);
    return {
      dia: dia,
      mes: mes,
      ano: ano,
      hora: hora,
      minuto: minuto,
      dataFull: dataFull,
      horaFull: horaFull,
      horaAlarm: horaAlarm

    document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(){
  if(Notification.permission !== 'granted')

if(getData().horaFull == getData().horaAlarm){
var notification = new Notification('Titulo teste',{
  ico: '',
  body: falta 5 minutos para sua tarefa

But he never falls on (if) anyone can help me ???

asked by anonymous 29.01.2018 / 13:13

2 answers


Well, I tested it and got interesting with a setTimeout, it's up to you to improve the usage in your code:

let time = (1000 * 100) * 5;
   let notification = new Notification('Titulo teste',{
   body: falta 5 minutos para sua tarefa
}, time)
29.01.2018 / 19:16

You can create the notification immediately, but schedule it for a moment in the future.

var addNotification = document.getElementById("add_notification");
addNotification.addEventListener("click", function (event) {
  Notification.requestPermission().then(function(permission) { 
    if (permission === "granted") {
      var now = new Date()
      var data = new Date()
      data.setSeconds(now.getSeconds() + 30)
      var options = {
        body: 'Mensagem programada para as ${data} e criada as ${now}',
        timestamp: data
      new Notification('Notificação',options);
<button id="add_notification">Add Notificação</button>

If you really need to control the app notification scheduling, I suggest you do the following:

  • Add Vuex to your application
  • Add a module for notifications
  • When loading the module, look for the Storage notifications, overdue alerts and schedule the future through window.setTimeout. PouchDb might come in handy.
  • Create an action to add the notification to the state and register it in the storage, and finally, its agent with the help of window.setTimeout.
  • Once the notification is executed, remember to remove them from state and storage.
  • 15.03.2018 / 19:34