There are some flaws in your code, for example:
The difference could already be initialized as difference = tab [1] - tab [0] and pos = 1;
Another thing is the use of * (tab + i), in C vectors are pointers, so much so that you can define things like char * string="Hello", always go by the easiest to see, in that if it would be the tab [i];
Another error is that your go from 0 to < dim, in the case of dim == 10, its would go from 0 to 9, but when i was 9 and tried to do * (tab + i + 1) it would result in tab + 10, which would cause bufferOverflow and could cause sudden stop of your program;
and another thing that could be improved would be the elimination of the variable difference_previous, as its return must be from the position in which the described in the question occurs, so it is unnecessary to save the difference in each execution of the loop. >
Here I leave your code with the changes that I quoted, observe the changes and apply the tips in future problems:
int maior_subida(int *tab, int dim) {
int pos=1, diferenca;
diferenca = tab[1] - tab[0];
for (int i = 1; i < dim-1; i++) {
if (diferenca < (tab[i+1] - tab[i]) ){
diferenca = tab[i+1] - tab[i];
pos = i+1;
return pos;
int main(){
int tabela[10]={31,3309,43,5,25461,10,9,7,537,1}, posicao = 0;
posicao = maior_subida(tabela,10);
printf("O elemento que tem maior diferenca do anterior e o que esta na posicao: %d\n",posicao);
return 0;