Send information from a Data grid Viwer to sql database [closed]


I am putting together an order form using C # .

The problem is that when I try to send the products that are listed in the Data Grid Viewer to the database, the program reads only the line where the cursor is.

I know I need a foreach to go through all the columns and rows, but how can I mount this structure to foreach ?

asked by anonymous 24.04.2018 / 03:04

3 answers


You have to give more information and put the code that you have tried. Assuming the bank is SQlServer , and your grid has 4 columns, it would look like this:

I do not know what kind of data you're using, so watch out for the fields. The contents of the cells will have the return type object .

void AddPedidos()
   string sqlQuery;
   string strConexao = "Seu caminho para o banco";

      SqlConnection Conexao = new SqlConnection(strConexao);

      foreach (DataGridViewRow linha in dgvProdutos.Rows)
         qlQuery = $"INSERT INTO Pedidos(ID, Emissao, ProdutoID, Quantidade) VALUES({linha.Cells[0].Value}, {linha.Cells[2].Value}, {linha.Cells[3].Value}, {linha.Cells[4].Value})";

         SqlCommand Comando = new SqlCommand(sqlQuery, Conexao);
   catch (SqlException erro)
      MessageBox.Show($"Ocorreu um erro: {erro.Message}");

You can use ForEach to traverse all rows in the grid. The dgvProdutos is the DataGridView.

24.04.2018 / 04:35
  void AddPedidos(DataGridView dgvPedido)

   for(int i=0;i<dgvPedido.rowcount;i++){

    string pos0=dgvPedido[0,i].value.ToString();
    string pos1=dgvPedido[1,i].value.ToString();

    //insira o código para invaiar os dados na base de dados


24.04.2018 / 12:13
         //Segue um exemplo usando o entityframework: 
                    ExtratoCentroCusto centroCusto = new ExtratoCentroCusto();
                    foreach (DataGridViewRow dr in GridRateio.Rows)
                        centroCusto.Valor = Convert.ToDecimal(dr.Cells[0].Value.ToString());
                        centroCusto.IdPlanoConta = int.Parse(dr.Cells[1].Value.ToString());
                        centroCusto.PlanoConta = dr.Cells[1].FormattedValue.ToString(); //pegando o valor da celula
24.04.2018 / 14:59