I started programming in PHP these days and I am not able to return a String from a PHP page that runs in BackEnd to a PHP page with HTML and display this String
Edited: I will explain the process as a whole to improve Understanding, I have a PHP home page that contains only HTML that loads the TXT file for reading on this second PHP page with the code below. I need to return to a php page with HTML and show to the User
$uploaddir = 'tempArq/';
$uploadfile = $uploaddir . $_FILES['Arquivo']['name'];
if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['Arquivo']['tmp_name'], $uploadfile)) {
echo "Arquivo Enviado<br/>";
$ponteiro = fopen($uploadfile, "r");
$arr = array();
while (!feof($ponteiro)) {
$linha = fgets($ponteiro, 4096);
array_push($arr, $linha);
if (strlen($linha) >= 10){
$resultado = ConsultaWebserices($linha);
$retorno = "TiqueteID : $linha : Status" + $resultado;
}else {
echo "Tiquete ID $linha Invalido <br/>";
I need to get the $ return value and call a PHP page with HTML and display this value in a Table. How do I make this call from the other page and get the value of $ return on the other page to Present.