Error trying to run Eclipse: Java was started but return exit code = 13. PATH IS CORRECT


I deleted earlier versions of Java 8 and now eclipse does not want to run, the following error message appears:


"Java was started but return exit code = 13.":

Ithasasimilartopic:Ialreadydidthesolutiontothetopic: Error while trying to run Eclipse: Java was started but return exit code = 13

That is: I've already reinstalled JDK 1.7 and put the path to it in the environment variable "Path": C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.7.0_80\bin

And the error remains the same.

What can I do to fix it?

asked by anonymous 15.03.2018 / 03:10

2 answers


See if your eclipse version is the same as the JDK version you installed, 64bit or 32bit, see the prompt version with java -version .

Make sure that environment variables are configured correctly by running javac at prompt

If you are in windows 10, setting the environment variables is a bit different, if it is the case, follow the steps:

1.Em Pesquisar, procure e selecione: Sistema (Painel de Controle)
2.Clique no link Configurações avançadas do sistema.
3.Clique em Variáveis de Ambiente. Na seção Variáveis do Sistema, localize a variável de ambiente PATH e selecione-a. Clique em Editar. Se a variável de ambiente PATH não existir, clique em Novo.
4.Na janela Editar Variável de Sistema (ou Nova Variável de Sistema), especifique o valor da variável de ambiente PATH. Clique em OK. Feche todas as janelas restantes clicando em OK.
5.Reabra a janela Prompt de comando e execute o código Java.

Source Setting PATH Variables

15.03.2018 / 03:19

I needed to remove the 1.7 x86 and 1.8 x86 versions of jdk installed with this windows program: #

15.03.2018 / 11:17