What are the real differences in creating a project with Expo and without Expo


Recently I saw several items that differentiated the 2, but currently the Expo , is very advanced, many things we needed to move in native modules, example, SQLite , Image manipulation, Camera, Splash Screens etc .. can already be made through it.

Then I would like to know the following.

  • Is it worth starting a project without Expo today?
  • Can I generate an .apk file with Expo? without being stuck with it and / or pay nothing more for it?
asked by anonymous 14.05.2018 / 14:26

1 answer


Project with Expo

Expo plays the role of compiler for your app: it replaces the Android SDK and Xcode with a proprietary method, so you do not need to configure anything. In the meantime, Expo 'limits' us (hard enough) in the part of changing settings or inserting packages that modify specific files of Android or iOs. Therefore, it can help a lot since it nowadays gives access to many native functions but, on the other hand, it may end up limiting the installation of some dependencies that require the app to be 'ejected'.

Project without Expo

This is the project that will be compiled using the SDKs for each platform. It allows to customize many aspects of the build and is my preferred because I use some dependencies that need access to OS settings at the time of build.

  • I recommend creating a project without the Expo since many packages that you might end up wanting to use in development have problems with it. What's more, you will have full control over the app build and will not depend on a platform to compile your app.
  • Yes, you can generate an .apk file with Expo.
14.05.2018 / 19:40