Using React in backend and small projects


Is it possible to integrate the React application with some back end language?

Can I apply React on small projects or only when there is a need?

React came to break the standard web development paradigm, where I create separate files, each with a task, for example, index.html containing all the HTML of the site and a javascript.js file containing all JavaScript that Will I use it on the page? For what I realized, with React I put together HTML and JavaScript on the same page.

asked by anonymous 13.08.2018 / 22:35

1 answer


Is it possible to integrate the React application with some back end language?

React is just a way to handle the front-end , so anything you can do in the front-end is available when you use React, > back-end . In fact it has some facilities to work better with what comes from the backend and how to send it to it.

If that's what you're talking about integrating, then yes. If you're talking about using React in the backend, I'd say yes, but it's a bit different, you can take advantage of parts. This is a technique isomorphic and can be more easily obtained with tools like Redux . You can view more in a article . And an example . And another .


Can I apply React on small projects or only when there is a need?

Power can always, but needs to analyze if it should. I would avoid heavy things like React for simple and small things, but it depends on the purpose. I have a bias not to use frameworks unless it proves very useful, and having to use something lighter like Vue .js until you need something more complete.

React is just a tool you're describing about SPA .

13.08.2018 / 22:51