Imagine the following scenario:
You are putting together a project where anyone can register with basic data (name, photo, age) to use your product. And since it's on the internet, there's no way to predict the number of potential users that can sprout from time to time.
Well, thinking about this, I'd like to know if it's worthwhile to use the APIs provided by companies such as Facebook, Twitter and Google to access their data (oAuth), or if is still in> it is worth keeping the traditional login style, providing a method of registering the user and saving their information on a server of their own.
In my opinion, apparently the strengths of using Outh would be:
- Ease of registration on the part of the user;
- Speed of data collection;
- Resource saving (since data comes via external API);
- Always updated data;
But since I've never met with this type of API, I honestly do not know if it's worth it or not, so mainly from the point of view of scalability, is it worth using oAuth APIs or conventional login? / p>