You can create a Trigger for your table, as below:
CREATE TRIGGER 'partidas_before_insert' BEFORE INSERT ON 'partidas' FOR EACH ROW BEGIN
if(new.aceitou = 2)then
if(new.idvencedordesafiante = new.idvencedordesafiado){
UPDATE 'usuarios' SET 'Saldo' = new.valor WHERE id = new.idvencedordesafiado
UPDATE 'partidas' SET 'aceitou' = 3 WHERE id =
end if;
end if;
This is just an example, you can have a little one or another, try to understand and apply correctly to your case.
But I created an example of a trigger in your matches table, where it will be executed whenever a record is included in it.
What is a trigger?
A TRIGGER or trigger is a database object, associated with a
table, defined to be triggered, responding to an event in
private. Such events are the DML (Data Manipulation
Language): INSERT, REPLACE, DELETE, or UPDATE. We can define countless
TRIGGERS in a database based directly on which of the
commands above will trigger it, being that for each one, we can
set only one TRIGGER. TRIGGERS may be fired to
work before or after the event.
You can read a few more things about triggers here and here
As you asked in the comments, I made this example of an Event Scheduler to run the updates it wants:
SET GLOBAL event_scheduler = ON;
CREATE DEFINER='root'@'localhost' EVENT 'partidas'
EVERY 1 MINUTE STARTS '2018-10-01 13:00:00'
select @vencedordesafiado := coalesce(idvencedordesafiante, 0)
,@vencedordesafiante := coalesce(idvencedordesafiado, 0)
,@receber := coalesce(valor, 0)
,@idp := coalesce(id, 0)
from partidas where aceitou = 2
if(@idp <> 0)then
if(@vencedordesafiado = @vencedordesafiante)
UPDATE 'usuarios' SET 'Saldo' = @receber WHERE id = @vencedordesafiante
UPDATE 'partidas' SET 'aceitou' = 3 WHERE id = @idp
end if;
end if;
Note: I set the example using limit 1
to bring only one line in the select, so you'll have to set your filter or loop to go line by line.
Again, it is an example, so please improve it according to your needs and change the start time of the event to a few minutes after you create it to run correctly.
You can read about events here