Sample table
$link = new mysqli ("localhost", "USUARIO", "SENHA", "NOME_DB");
$sqlm = ("SELECT * FROM dados order by id asc");
$resultado = mysqli_query($link,$sqlm);
echo "<table border=\"1\"><tr><th>Cod.:</th><th>Produto</th><th>Qtd.:</th><th>Un.:</th><th>Volume:</th><th>Peso:</th><th>Dimensao: A.L.C.</th></tr>\n";
while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($resultado)) {
$Linha = "<tr>\n<td>".$cod."</td>\n<td>".$produto."</td>\n<td>".$qtd."</td>\n<td>".$un."</td>\n";
$td1 = "<td>".$volume."</td>\n";
$td2 = "<td class=".$volume.">".$peso."</td>\n";
$td3 = "<td class=".$volume.">".$dimensao."</td>\n";
$linhaFim = "\n</tr>\n";
$result .= $Linha.$td1.$td2.$td3.$linhaFim;
$ocorrencias = substr_count($result,"<td>Caixa");
for ($k = 1; $k < $ocorrencias; $k++) {
$num = substr_count($result,"<td>Caixa ".$k."</td>");
if ($num > 1){
$result = preg_replace("#<td>Caixa ".$k."</td>#", "<td rowspan=\"".$num."\">Caixa ".$k."</td>", $result,1);
$result = preg_replace("#<td>Caixa ".$k."</td>#", "", $result,$num-1);
$volume="Caixa ".$k;
$consultar = "SELECT volume,dimensao, peso, SUM(peso) AS subt FROM (SELECT volume,dimensao,peso FROM dados Where volume='$volume' ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT $num) AS tabelaSubt";
$resulta = mysqli_query($link, $consultar);
while($item = mysqli_fetch_assoc($resulta)){
$peso = $item["peso"];
$subt = $item['subt'];
$dimensao = $item['dimensao'];
$volume = $item['volume'];
$dimensaoTot="23 x 54 x 82 cm";
//volume para 2 itens de 23 x 54 x 82 cm
$dimensaoTot2="?? x ?? x ?? cm";
$result = preg_replace("#<td class=".$volume.">".$peso."</td>#", "<td rowspan=\"".$num."\">".$subt." Kg</td>", $result,1);
$result = preg_replace("#<td class=".$volume.">".$peso."</td>#", "", $result,$num-1);
$result = preg_replace("#<td class=".$volume.">".$pesoOld."</td>#", "", $result,$num-1);
$result = preg_replace("#<td class=".$volume.">50 x 43 x 55 cm</td>#", "<td rowspan=\"".$num."\">".$dimensaoTot."</td>", $result,1);
$result = preg_replace("#<td class=".$volume.">50 x 43 x 55 cm</td>#", "", $result,$num-1);
$result = preg_replace("#<td class=".$volume.">".$dimensaoOld."</td>#", "", $result,1);
$result = preg_replace("#<td class=".$volume.">23 x 54 x 82 cm</td>#", "<td rowspan=\"".$num."\">".$dimensaoTot2."</td>", $result,1);
$result = preg_replace("#<td class=".$volume.">23 x 54 x 82 cm</td>#", "", $result,$num-1);
$result = preg_replace("#<td class=".$volume.">".$dimensaoOld2."</td>#", "", $result,1);
echo $result;
echo "</table>";
This is a basic routine and can be incremented according to the needs since the question did not give all the possible variations