How do the 'request' and 'response' events in Node.js work?


Everyone knows how to use request and response properly as http.createServer callback parameters, and that we use these two parameters as objects within the callback.

I searched the DOC's API and there it says that both are instances of the object http.IncomingMensage and that, in turn, is created by http.Server (request) and http.ClientRequest (response) ...

I was confused because in DOC they refer to http.Server as an event sender and http.ClientRequest as an object constructor. I tried to understand the native code in the node's lib and there I found all of them in their places but I still did not understand.

Doubt is: What happens behind a standard server build using request and response ? What exactly are they?

asked by anonymous 13.01.2015 / 18:58

1 answer


I think the way the Node documentation was written is confusing you. It says yes that there is an event called request , and then it shows the following:

function (request, response) { }

This part is the listener signature of this event. That is, when you create a server with http.createServer([requestListener]) , the requestListener you should spend is a function with this signature, a function that receives as a first argument a request object (of type http.IncomingMessage ) and a response object% (of type http.ServerResponse ).

In other words, what http.createServer([requestListener]) does is associate an event listener with the "request" event. Every time a request is made, the server issues this event, and the listener will be invoked with the arguments indicated.

13.01.2015 / 19:28