Hello, I'm doing a movie site and would like some help on that part.
After getting connection to DB, I want every record to appear within the grid I made.
I'll explain it better with photos.
Above shows how I call my script PHP that contains the connection to DB. however it shows the 2 record in the same place, I wanted movie 1 to be at location 1 and so on. follows the grid layout !
<?php$conecta=mysql_connect("", "root", "") or print (mysql_error());
mysql_select_db("bd", $conecta) or print(mysql_error());
$filmes = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM filmes");
while($dados = mysql_fetch_array($filmes)){
echo $dados['nome'] . "<br>";
echo $dados['sinopse'] . "<br>";
echo $dados['categoria'] . "<br>";