I'm just having a question about how select mysql works.
Select SUM(IF('','',''))
I'm using it but I do not know exactly how it works
I'm just having a question about how select mysql works.
Select SUM(IF('','',''))
I'm using it but I do not know exactly how it works
Imagine your example: SUM(IF(debito_credito_financeiro = 'D', valor_financeiro, 0)) AS debito,
The syntax is
IF (condition, return if true, return if false)
That is, if debito_credito_financeiro
has the value of D
, then it will add valor_financeiro
otherwise, it will add 0
Let's say I want to count how many branches in my branch table have the greater than 20 code.
I could write:
select sum( if ( cod_filial > 21, 1, 0 )) from tabelafilais
or would like to count how many records start with 58 in the location table:
select sum( if ( cod_local like '58%', 1, 0 )) from tabela_locais