Doubt about the Use Cases CRUD


I have the following questions about the CRUD Use Cases:

It is said that you should not create multiple use cases representing each CRUD operation, and you should create only one use case for this, as explained in Level of use-case detail . But what if only the managing actor, for example, could have access to create and remove, what would it look like?

asked by anonymous 10.08.2016 / 22:42

1 answer


The term keep is often used to denote CRUDs, and there are many ways to use it, but there is no such thing as right. For cases like this I usually create the use case administer for example, you can use extends for use cases to remove or add user, but remember, the use case should not be complex. >

I found this use case within the stackoverflow itself, I hope I have helped.

10.08.2016 / 22:48