Values of formulas do not match


I'm trying to make the Excel formula VF (future value) in PHP, however the values are not matched, ie in Excel is a value for the column and in the PHP calculation others leave values but almost identical values, from R $ 1.50 to R $ 3.00.


<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="bootstrap.min.css">
<div class="container">
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-2">
      <table class="table table-bordered table-sac">
        <style type="text/css">
          .table-sac thead tr th,
          tbody tr td {
            text-align: center;
            <th>Se for investir</th>
            <th>Juros no finan.</th>
            <th>Valor futuro</th>
          <?php require_once('calcs.php'); ?>
          <?php for($i = 0; $i <= $mes; $i++): ?>
              <?php echo $i; ?>
              <?php echo number_format($sac['G'][$i], 2, ',', '.'); ?>
              <?php echo number_format($sac['H'][$i], 2, ',', '.'); ?>
              <?php echo number_format($sac['I'][$i], 2, ',', '.'); ?>
              <?php echo number_format($sac['J'][$i], 2, ',', '.'); ?>
              <?php echo $sac['K']['vf'][$i]; ?>
          <?php endfor; ?>
  <!-- row -->
<!-- container -->


// F = P. (1+i)° + M.[(1+i)° - 1]/i
function vf($taxa,$n,$pgto,$vlr_presente=0, $iterador)
    if($iterador > 0):
        // $first  = bcmul($GLOBALS['ul_vf'],   $taxa);
        // $second = bcadd($GLOBALS['ul_pgto'], $first);
        // $vf     = bcadd($GLOBALS['ul_vf'],   $second);
        // $vf = ($GLOBALS['ul_vf']) + ($GLOBALS['ul_vf'] * $taxa + $GLOBALS['ul_pgto']);
        $first  = bcadd(1, $taxa);
        $second = bcpow($first, $n);
        $third  = bcmul($GLOBALS['ul_vf'], $second); 

        $fourth = bcsub($second, 1);
        $fifth  = bcdiv($fourth, $taxa);
        $sixth  = bcmul($fifth, $GLOBALS['ul_pgto']);

        $seventh = bcadd($third, $sixth);
        $vf = $seventh;

        $GLOBALS['ul_vf']   = $vf;
        $GLOBALS['ul_pgto'] = $pgto;
        $vf = $vlr_presente;
        $GLOBALS['ul_vf']   = $vf;
        $GLOBALS['ul_pgto'] = $pgto;
    return $vf;

$vlr_imovel   = 144000; //var_dump($vlr_imovel);
$vlr_aluguel  = 400.00; //var_dump($vlr_imovel);
$vlr_entrada  = 43200.00; //var_dump($vlr_imovel);
$vlr_encargos = 500.00; //var_dump($vlr_imovel);
$mes = 360;

$taxa = (0.54/100);
$se_for_investir  = $vlr_encargos + $vlr_entrada;

for($i = 0; $i <= $mes; $i++):

    $juros_no_finan    = (($vlr_imovel - $vlr_entrada) - ((($vlr_imovel - $vlr_entrada)/$mes)*$i))*0.007;

    $amortizacao      = ($vlr_imovel - $vlr_entrada)/$mes;

    $vlr_total        = $amortizacao + $juros_no_finan;

    //VALOR FUTURO -------------------------
    // Como: FV = PV x ( 1 + i ) ^ n
    $n            = 1; 
    $pgto         = $vlr_total - $vlr_aluguel;
    $vlr_presente = $vlr_entrada + $vlr_encargos;
    $tipo         = 0;
    $one = 0.96;
    $two = 0.42;
    $taxa2        = 0.54/100;

    $vf           = vf($taxa2, $n, $pgto, $vlr_presente, $i);
    //VALOR FUTURO -------------------------

    $sac['G'][] = $se_for_investir;
    $sac['H'][] = $juros_no_finan;
    $sac['I'][] = $amortizacao;
    $sac['J'][] = $vlr_total;

    $sac['K']['pgto'][] = $pgto;
    $sac['K']['vf'][]   = $vf;


Explanation of the code.

1 - I loop in months, 360 months altogether.

2 - In the first loop (0) the function FV is called, FV receives the parameters: ($taxa, $parcelas, $pagamento, $vlr_presente, $iterador_atual) These parameters are of the current loop.

3 - In FV (function) we have conditionals that check that the $iterador (which was passed by the parameter) is > 1, example:

if(iterador > 1):
    //aqui eu faço a formula com as variaveis globais no else abaixo
    //e insiro variaveis globais para ser aproveitadas no proximo loop
    //aqui é o primeiro loop, ou seja a primeira linha do excel(o mês 0)
    //variavel global desse valor passado(será aproveitada no proximo loop)
    //variavel global do pagamento passado(será aproveitada no proximo loop)
return $valorFuturo;

4 - Now in Calcs.php we have the future value that will be passed to the view;

The error here is that the values are not identical, almost, but not identical. I thought it might be the floats that were messing up but it is not.

I've placed the excel file on google drive.

asked by anonymous 11.04.2017 / 00:36

2 answers


Given the following formula to calculate compound interest given an initial value and a monthly investment amount:

Source: link

It would be something like this:

function valorFuturo($valorInicial, $taxaJuros, $periodo, $investimentoMensal)
    $jurosComposto = (1 + $taxaJuros) ** $periodo;
    $v1 = $valorInicial * $jurosComposto;
    $v2 = $investimentoMensal * ( ( $jurosComposto - 1 ) / $taxaJuros ) * ( 1 + $taxaJuros );
    return number_format($v1 + $v2, 2, ",", ".");

echo "R$ ".valorFuturo(2500, .00333333, 60, 100)."<br/>";

For lack of example, I tested using the same values:

valorInicial: 2500
taxaJuros: 0.04 anual que mensal vira 0.003333333
periodo: 5 anos ou 6 meses
investimentoMensal: 100

The value hit as expected: $ 9704.49

See working at ideone

Detail important!

For calculations of very large financial figures, always choose to use as many houses as possible after the comma, see in your example use: 0.54/100 that equals 0.0054000000000

If you extend the boxes after the comma in excel you will see that the actual value used for the calculation is:

Think big, just like you did

100.000 * 0.0054 = 540
100.000 * 0.00543169 = 543.169

A difference of +3 units, and the higher the values, the greater the divergence in the final value.

11.04.2017 / 01:06


You make the future value of the payment, and then the past future value (previous line, or previous iterator).

Future value of payment

<li>$pmt: Pagamento</li>
<li>$i: Juros</li>
<li>$n: Número de períodos</li>
Valor futuro da última linha(valor futuro passado, linha anterior).
<li>$vl: Valor futuro</li>
<li>$i: Juros</li>
<li>$n: Número de períodos</li>

Now the sum of these two formulas is added. You can see the code in the code.

function valorFuturo($vl, $i, $n, $pmt, $iterator)
  if($iterator > 0):
  $first  = $GLOBALS['ul_vf'] * (1+$i)**$n;
  $second = $GLOBALS['ul_pgto'] * ((1+$i)**$n-1)/$i;
  $vf     = $first + $second;

  $GLOBALS['ul_vf']   = $vf;
  $GLOBALS['ul_pgto'] = $pmt;
  $vf                 = $vl;
  $GLOBALS['ul_vf']   = $vf;
  $GLOBALS['ul_pgto'] = $pmt;
 return $vf;

$vlr_imovel   = 144000; 
$vlr_aluguel  = 400.00; 
$vlr_entrada  = 43200.00; 
$vlr_encargos = 500.00;
$mes = 360;

$taxa = (0.54/100);
$se_for_investir  = $vlr_encargos + $vlr_entrada;

for($i = 0; $i <= $mes; $i++):

  $juros_no_finan    = (($vlr_imovel - $vlr_entrada) - ((($vlr_imovel - $vlr_entrada)/$mes)*$i))*0.007;

  $amortizacao      = ($vlr_imovel - $vlr_entrada)/$mes;

  $vlr_total        = $amortizacao + $juros_no_finan;

  //VALOR FUTURO -------------------------
  // Como: FV = PV x ( 1 + i ) ^ n
  $n            = 1; 
  $pgto         = $vlr_total - $vlr_aluguel;
  $vlr_presente = $vlr_entrada + $vlr_encargos;
  $tipo         = 0;
  $taxa2        = 0.54316901573592300/100;

  $vf           = valorFuturo($vlr_presente, $taxa2, $n, $pgto, $i);
  //VALOR FUTURO -------------------------

  $sac['G'][] = $se_for_investir;
  $sac['H'][] = $juros_no_finan;
  $sac['I'][] = $amortizacao;
  $sac['J'][] = $vlr_total;

  $sac['K']['pgto'][] = $pgto;
  $sac['K']['vf'][]   = $vf;

11.04.2017 / 18:18