Display username logged on screen


Hello! In the restricted page of my site, you need to display the username of the logged in user, the same occurs on the form that is displayed. But I noticed that it is not appearing, neither in the "Hello" nor in the form. I looked at the code and could not find anything different from what I had left earlier. I would like a little help to identify the possible error of why not present. :)

This is how you are in the restricted page to search for and display the screen name of the user:

Olá, <p id="usuario"></p>
<script>document.getElementById("usuario").innerHTML = localStorage.getItem("usuario");</script>

And so it's in the verify login code, where I look for the i'ds displayed in the database:

    include_once 'config.php';
    if ( isset( $_POST ) && ! empty( $_POST ) ) {
        $dados_usuario = $_POST;
    } else {
        $dados_usuario = $_SESSION;
    $validacao = login($dados_usuario['usuario'], $dados_usuario['password']);
        if ($validacao) {
            $_SESSION['logado'] = true;
            $_SESSION['nome_usuario'] = $validacao->user_name;
            $_SESSION['usuario'] = $validacao->user;
            $_SESSION['user_id'] = $validacao->user_id;
            $_SESSION['nom_clin']= $validacao->nom_clin;
            ?><script>localStorage.setItem("usuario", "<?php echo $validacao->usuario?>");</script><?php
     else {
         echo 'Login e Senha incorretos. Favor voltar a página e tentar novamente.';
        // Continua deslogado
        $_SESSION['logado'] = false;
        // Preenche o erro para o usuário
        $_SESSION['login_erro'] = 'Usuário ou senha inválidos';
        //header("Location: restrito.php");


        function login($login, $senha)

            try {
                $sql = "SELECT cod_clin, user, user_name, user_id, nom_clin FROM usuarios WHERE user_id='$login' AND user_password='$senha' LIMIT 1";
                $conn = getConexao();
                $result = $conn->query($sql);
                $row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
                return $row;

            } catch (PDOException $e) {
                echo $e;
                return false;

And the id's match that of the database.

asked by anonymous 21.02.2017 / 12:26

4 answers



You have stored the user name in SESSION so just call it in the code, change it as follows:

Olá, <p id="usuario"><?php echo $_SESSION['nome_usuario']; ?></p>
// Pode remover o Script

To access the SESSION data, it is important to start the Session, using session_start() , as follows:

<?php session_start(); // é possível inicializar o SESSION logo no início do arquivo.
21.02.2017 / 12:30

Do not forget to log in:

$validacao = login($dados_usuario['usuario'], $dados_usuario['password']);
{    if($validacao)
     {    session_start();

And then you can call it as in Thiago's answer ...

Olá, <p id="usuario"><?php echo $_SESSION['nome_usuario']; ?></p>

Another detail is that the way it is in your question

<?php echo $validacao->usuario?>

A ; is missing, so if it is done with js, start by changing to:

<?php echo $validacao->usuario;?>
21.02.2017 / 12:39

You could create an HTTP request method for the code to return a JSON containing all the data you want to use, and pass it to Javascript using Jquery.

done(function (dados) {
$("#nomedadiv").html("Olá "+dados.NOMEUSUARIO);
21.02.2017 / 15:10


Following query $sql = "SELECT cod_clin, user, user_name, user_id, nom_clin FROM usuarios WHERE user_id='$login' AND user_password='$senha' LIMIT 1"; PDO will return you the following properties: cod_clin , user , user_name , user_id , nom_clin .

object(stdClass) {
    public $cod_clin;
    public $user;
    public $user_name;
    public $user_id;
    public $nom_clin;

That is, calling $validacao->usuario will return that the usuario property was not set, breaking the application. Try calling $validacao->user

21.02.2017 / 20:22