Keep data in the PHP form textbox | HTML


I have a form, but when I submit the form, all the data in the textboxes disappear, I want to know how to keep the data in the textboxes after submitting, so the user does not have to enter the data all over again.

<form method="post"> 
<div class="col-md-4">  
<label>Referencia: </label> 
<input type="text" placeholder="&#xF002; Search" name="referencia"style="font-family:Arial, FontAwesome"> 
    <div align="right"> 
    <img src="imagens/desenho33.png" align="right" height="250" width="350" > 
<div class="col-md-4">     
<label>Diametro do Aço (d): </label> 
<input type="text" name="d1" size="6" placeholder="min">
<input type="text" name="d2" size="6" placeholder="max">
<div class="col-md-4">
<label>Comprimento total (L0): </label>
<input type="text" name="comp1" size="6" placeholder="min"> 
<input type="text" name="comp2" size="6" placeholder="max">
<div class="col-md-4">     
<label>Diametro Exterior (DE): </label>
<input type="text" name="de1" size="6" placeholder="min"> 
<input type="text" name="de2" size="6" placeholder="max"> 
<div class="row"> 
<div class="col-md-4">     
<div class="form-group"> 
<label for="exampleFormControlSelect1">Ordenar por:</label> 
<select class="form-control" name="ordenar" id="ordenar"> 
<option value="diametroaco">Diametro do Aço (d)</option> 
<option value="comprimentototal">Comprimento total (L0)</option> 
<option value="diametroexterior">Diametro Exterior (DE)</option> 
<div align="right"> 
<button type="reset" align="right" class="btn btn-primary">Reset</button> 
<button type="submit" align="right" class="btn btn-primary" value="submit">Continuar</button> 

        if ($_POST["d1"]<>""){
        if ($_POST["d2"]<>""){
        if ($_POST["comp1"]<>""){
        if ($_POST["comp2"]<>""){
        if ($_POST["de1"]<>""){
        if ($_POST["de2"]<>""){

            case "diametroaco":
                $ordenar_por="ORDER BY diametroaco";
            case "comprimentototal":
                $ordenar_por="ORDER BY comprimentototal";
            case "diametroexterior":
                $ordenar_por="ORDER BY diametroexterior";

        include ("db.php");
        // $molcomp_query="SELECT * FROM stock_comp";
           //$molcomp_query="SELECT * FROM stock_comp $ordenar_por";
        $molcomp_query="SELECT * FROM stock_comp WHERE (diametroaco BETWEEN '$d1' and '$d2') AND (comprimentototal BETWEEN '$comp1' AND '$comp2') AND (diametroexterior BETWEEN '$de1' AND '$de2') $ordenar_por";
         $run_query = mysqli_query($con,$molcomp_query);
        if (mysqli_num_rows($run_query) > 0){
            while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($run_query)){
                "<div class='card mx-auto w-100'>
                    <div class='card-body'>
                            <div class='row'>
                            <div class='col-md-1' style='text-align: center'>$referencia</div>
                            <div class='col-md-2' style='text-align: center'>$diametroaco</div>
                            <div class='col-md-2' style='text-align: center'>$comprimentototal</div>
                            <div class='col-md-2' style='text-align: center'>$diametroexterior</div>
                            <div class='col-md-1' style='text-align: center'>$passo</div>
                            <div class='col-md-1' style='text-align: center'>$preco €</div>
                            <div class='col-md-1' style='text-align: center'><i style='font-size:30px' class='fa'>&#xf1c1;</i> <i style='font-size:30px' class='fa'>&#xf217;</i> </div>
asked by anonymous 14.05.2018 / 17:47

2 answers


You must fill in these fields with the request data POST / GET
Assuming you are using the POST

<input type="text" name="nome" value="<?php echo $_POST[nome]; ?>"/>

Same functionality, just shorter than <input type="text" name="nome" value="<?= $_POST[nome]; ?>"/>

14.05.2018 / 17:58

This happens because every time you submit the form, the page reloads, so we need to make an asynchronous request, ie make a post without reloading the page.

First add the following parameters to the form tag:

<form method="post" action="" id="idDoForm">

Notice that action="" is blank, this prevents it from doing a default action, we want it to do nothing, who will work for us is a script.

Then import the Jquery library, just download or import via CDN:


Then import or create a new script on the page itself: (This script should be loaded after importing Jquery)

$("#idDoForm").submit(function () {
        type: 'post',
        url: 'caminhoDoProcessadorPHP', //Exemplo: 'includes/'
        data: $("#idDoForm").serialize(),
        success: function(data) {
            //Lembre-se que a variável data vai retornar a resposta do arquivo '' se vc escrever "echo 'Hello, World!';", a variável data vai conter "Hello, World!", então crie <div id="response"></div> em qualquer lugar da página onde vc quer que essa variável retorne a resposta
    return false;

In this way, pressing the "Continue" button takes the form data and passes it to your php file that processes the data and responds without reloading the page.

14.05.2018 / 18:45