How do I clone a folder that is in my host on the hostgator for a project in BitBucket and after the changes go up to the hostgator again? Is it possible?
Note: I have the ssh access from the hostgator and I can access the ssh terminal normally.
How do I clone a folder that is in my host on the hostgator for a project in BitBucket and after the changes go up to the hostgator again? Is it possible?
Note: I have the ssh access from the hostgator and I can access the ssh terminal normally.
The simplest way to transfer a repository from one host to another is:
Add the remote from the new repository to the repository you cloned on your machine
git remote -add [remote-name] [URL]
Remember, there must already be at least one "origin", since you cloned the repository in step 1, so do not use that name.
I sent everything there with:
git push [remote-name] --all