Send integer as string in a JSON


I have a problem returning a very large integer value in JSON type:

{“matricula”: 201737909200976697}

What happens is that in return is bringing 201737909200976700.

This occurs with any large integer like this one with 18 digits, so I wanted to return this value as a string but in JavaScript it is still arriving as numeric value.

How can I do this?


From php it looks like this:

array (  
  0 =>   
  array (
   'mtr_codigo' => '2586',
   'aln_nome' => 'JOSÉ FERNANDO REIS',     
   'mtr_matricula' => '201737909200976697'

When you get to javascript you are:

[{"mtr_codigo": 2586, "aln_nome": "JOSÉ FERNANDO REIS", "mtr_matricula": 201737909200976700}]


In the chrome DevTools in the response part it looks like this:

{"body":[{"mtr_codigo":2586,"aln_nome":"JOS\u00c9 FERNANDO REIS","mtr_matricula":201737909200976697}],"meta":{"output":[]},"status":{"code":200,"phrase":"OK","type":"success"}}

In the preview part it looks like this:

 body: [{mtr_codigo: 2586, aln_nome: "JOSÉ FERNANDO REIS", mtr_matricula: 201737909200976700}]
 0: {mtr_codigo: 2586, aln_nome: "JOSÉ FERNANDO REIS", mtr_matricula: 201737909200976700}
   aln_nome: "JOSÉ FERNANDO REIS"
   mtr_codigo: 2586
   mtr_matricula: 201737909200976700
 meta: {output: []}
 status: {code: 200, phrase: "OK", type: "success"}


In the delivery method the result was

json_encode($result, JSON_NUMBER_CHECK);

I removed this options parameter and returned the numerical value as string correctly.

asked by anonymous 08.11.2018 / 13:02

1 answer


You only use quotation marks for the value:

{"matricula": "201737909200976697"}
08.11.2018 / 13:06