red / negative and green / positive


I have a table that, time value is negative, and time is positive. I would like these values to be green or red. But I could not do that. Currently my select is being rendered this way:

(php, myadmin, pdo)

        $sql = $pdo->prepare("SELECT sum(premio) as premio from home 
WHERE id_user = :id_user;");
        $sql->bindValue(":id_user", $id);

        if ($sql->rowCount() > 0) {
            foreach ($sql->fetchAll() as $item) {
        <td> R$ <?php echo $item['premio'];?></td>
asked by anonymous 01.01.2019 / 00:25

1 answer


Use a conditional to set a style to td by checking the value of $item['premio']

      $sql = $pdo->prepare("SELECT sum(premio) as premio from home WHERE id_user = :id_user;");
        $sql->bindValue(":id_user", $id);

        if ($sql->rowCount() > 0) {
            foreach ($sql->fetchAll() as $item) {

            $premio = $item['premio'];

                if ($premio<0){
        <td style='color:<?php echo $cor;?>'> R$ <?php echo $premio;?></td>
01.01.2019 / 13:48