I'm setting up a table in div and css, the problem and I need the div div-table-row to have the size of the other divs. but it is giving a line break. How do I resolve this?
Follow my code:
width: 502px;
width: 50%;
.div-table-col{border: 1px solid #484848;
padding: 5px;
width: 50%;
<div class='div-table'>
<div class='div-table-row'>
<div class='linha font-2'>nosdaasdme nodasdasdme nosdasdasdsdme</div>
<div class='div-table-row'>
<div class='div-table-col font-1'>(ID: ) - QTD:</div>
<div class='div-table-col font-1'>R$</div>
<div class='div-table-col font-1'>MOUSE</div>