Distributing my app via email


I did the distribution of my App, compiling it in the release, and then the Archive option. Well, it generated the key and several files. Now how do I send by email to my client and also put on my website. What will it get to install on your smartphoe? Follow this tutorial

asked by anonymous 13.11.2017 / 12:15

2 answers


You should email the .APK extension file as soon as your client opens it on android, it will install. You may need to change your android settings, allowing you to install unfamiliar apps.

13.11.2017 / 12:29

Via email you would be sending the attachment file to the recipient, and your client would open it using an Android device.

To make it available on your site, you can choose to upload the file to a server and place the URL on your site ...

13.11.2017 / 12:27